¡Viva Frida!
íViva Frida! enjoyed three wonderful years in Utah and has now been retired. Thank you everyone who made this possible!
About the Exhibit
¡Viva Frida! is an educational exhibit about the life and art of renowned Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907–1954). It consists of information about her life and high quality reproductions of her art. It invites viewers to explore their personal identities. Many teachers use Frida’s art as a springboard for self-portraits in which students are invited to show their connections with their own cultures. !Viva Frida! consists of 30 metal panels, 54" x 34" with a c-bar for hanging. It is appropriate for all ages. It is presented thanks to our
Consulate of Mexico in Salt Lake City, Utah Humanities Council, Utah Arts Council, Salt Lake City Arts Council, Wells Fargo Bank, Friends of the Library. In-kind donors: Latinos in Action, Salt Lake City School District, Moab Valley, Multicultural Center, Gear-Up, Ogden High School, Ben Lomand High School, DaVinci High School, Helper Arts Festival, Centro Hispano Southern Utah University, Landis Salon, XPedx, Presto Print. Venues: Salt Lake City Main Library, Moab Valley Multicultural Center, West Valley City Utah Cultural Celebration Center, Weber State University, Sky View High School in Logan, Utah Valley University, Moab Museum, and Helper Arts Festival, Southern Utah University, Salt Lake Community College and MORE THAN 60 VOLUNTEERS!
About Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo (1907-54) is one of Mexico's best known artists. She came into the spotlight when she married muralist Diego Rivera in 1929. In contrast to the grand murals of her husband, she began painting small, intimate paintings reflecting her inner life and identity. As she matured as an artist and in life, her paintings became bold, often larger statements of her emotions, feelings, and connections with the world. Her work inspires many to explore their own creativity and personal, family and cultural identity.
Frida Kahlo (1907-54) es una de las artistas mexicanas mas reconocidas. Se convirtió en el centro de atención cuando se casó con el muralista Diego Rivera en 1929. Contrariamente a los grandes murales de su esposo, ella empezó pintando pequeños cuadros que reflejaban la intimidad de su vida privada y su identidad. Al madurar como artista y en la vida, sus pinturas se volvieron más atrevidas, conviertiéndose en declaraciones abiertas de sus emociones, sentimientos y conexiones con el mundo. Su obra sirve de inspiración a muchos para explorar su propia creatividad e identidad personal, familiar y cultural.